Microtome & Cryostat
Microtome & Cryostat
In histology, professionals process tissue to learn about their microstructures and associated diseases.
In order to take a closer look at these tissue samples, they need the correct tools to make accurate
observations. Microtomes and cryostats are both standard instruments for examining tissue. While
these tools share a few similarities, they're valuable for different techniques and applications.
What Is a Microtome?
A microtome uses a specialized blade to obtain tissue samples at a specified thickness. No matter
the type of microtome, thickness can be adjusted.
A microtome blade is extremely thin and sharp, allowing it to cut a precise tissue sample. However,
the user must have a steady hand and experience with a microtome to guide the blade. When a user
slices a useable sample, it comes off in a ribbon.
What Is a Cryostat?
A cryostat, or a cryostat-microtome, uses microtome technology within an automated course feed
system. Cryostats use rotary microtomes that cut the specimen. The machine contains the moving
parts within a below freezing chamber for consistent temperature regulation. Users can change the
temperature to their specific requirements with an integrated digital thermometer.
Cryostats also offer micrometer thickness adjustments. Technicians can change the thickness of a
cut with a press of a button. You can also control the orientation of the cut using the specimen head.
Caring for Cryostats and Microtomes
Regardless of the tissue sampling tool you use, it's important to care for your equipment. With the
correct maintenance, cryostats and microtomes can perform precision cuts for your histology needs
for a long time. These tools need annual maintenance and consistent cleaning. For both, lubricant
is critical to ensure smooth function.
Choose Mercedes Scientific for Cryostat and Microtome Products
Cryostats and microtomes are valuable instruments for retrieving tissue samples. Whichever
sampling tool you use, maintaining your histology equipment is critical. At Mercedes Scientific,
we carry a range of microtome blades and cryostat products to support your lab needs.
If you'd like to learn more about our offerings, get in touch with us today.