Using CPP to Simultaneously Clean Pesticide and PCB Extracts

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Using CPP to Simultaneously Clean Pesticide and PCB Extracts

CarboPrep Plus (CPP) may be used to clean EPA 8082 extracts for Aroclor quantitation, provided caution is exercised in choosing the quant peaks, setting up the possibility of processing a combined pesticide/PCB extract without the sulfuric acid clean up step.

UsingCPPRestek_image1Why clean the PCBs extracts at all?  If pesticide extracts are run on the same instrument regular maintenance would be required to meet the stringent inlet inertness requirements for endrin and DDT. PCB methods typically do not have the same stringent requirements, however samples typically have high concentrations of non-volatile matrix compounds that build up in the inlet effecting chromatography, which effects quantitation.

An effective cleanup is also important since chromatographic interferences make it difficult to perform Aroclor pattern identifications.  Other challenges include weathering which can significantly change the Aroclor pattern combined with different Aroclor mixtures.
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More info about CarboPrep Plus:

Order# RTK 25845

  • Maximum Contaminant Removal
  • Less Instrument Downtime
  • Higher Sample Throughput

Keep your organochlorine pesticide GCs up and running by protecting them against matrix components with superior sample cleanup. Resprep CarboPrep Plus SPE cartridges surpass traditional Florisil products in cleanup power for sample matrix compounds that cause active sites in GC inlets and columns, degrading pesticides and interrupting work due to failed calibration checks. For CarboPrep Plus cartridges, Restek uses a proprietary treatment to create an exceptionally clean carbon that exhibits consistent selectivity. The end result is a reliable sample preparation product that does not contribute interfering background signal and does not need to be evaluated lot to lot to see if elution volumes need to be adjusted. In addition, CarboPrep Plus cartridges are designed to use the same equipment, solvents, and solvent volumes as a traditional Florisil cleanup procedure, minimizing the impact of switching on sample prep labs while maximizing the performance benefit to analytical labs.

Content provided by Restek Chromablography.